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5 Lawn Maintenance Tips For Fall

Here comes Fall, the time between the months when the Earth is leaning towards or away from the sun for Summer or Winter, respectively. For some, it’s a favorite time of the year, which is easy to see why. Even though some signs of life especially among plants are showing some kind of retreat with a slight chill in the breeze, this isn’t necessarily a gloomy season. In fact, a lot of people welcome it, because along with the Fall season comes the turning of the leaves into different colors, with some leaving the tree branches bare, which is quite magical. You get to witness the colors yellow, brown, orange, red, gold and rust, among many others.

Whether or not you are a Fall person, it is important to keep in mind that you still have a garden that still requires proper upkeep, especially if you have a big one. The temporary dying of some leaves doesn’t grant you an excuse to put off any landscaping task in mind. You have to start with the project now as it’s the best time to do so. By preparing your garden this Fall, you get to save time for the coming Spring, when plants would be growing again.

5 Lawn Maintenance Tips For Fall

Below are some of the many things you can do to ensure that your lawn or garden is prepared for any hard frost or even snowfall that the next season, which is Winter, would bring. For more tips, you can approach your neighborhood landscapers or do a search online.

1. For The Weeds, Off With Their Heads!

Again, just because the dark winter days are near you will leave the usual task of getting rid of weeds in Spring. If you pull out all the weeds you can find now, you can expect to be dealing with fewer weeds in the next season.

5 Lawn Maintenance Tips For Fall

2. For Debris, Drag Them Out!

If you remove all the fallen leaves and other types of debris to ensure unobstructed growth of the grass, you can expect to be greeted with the sight of a healthier yard in the Summer. You can try composting those leaves.

3. For The Grasses You Want To Keep, Fertilize!

Identify which are the grasses that are for cool seasons and which are the ones that are for the warm seasons. Cool-season ones are fertilized between the months of September and November, while the warm ones are fertilized earlier than those months.

5 Lawn Maintenance Tips For Fall

4. For Bare Spots, Seed!

Look for dead or bare areas in your garden and seed them. To get healthy, dense and plush grass, you may have to get the full lawn overseed.

5. For The Shrubs And Trees, Give A Deep Watering!

As you will be turning off the water for the season, the trees and the shrubs in your yard will need deep watering. Do this after the leaves drop.

Seek An Expert’s Help!

The best way to ensure that you’re giving your lawn the proper care for the season and for the coming ones is by letting a professional do the job for you, which is always a good idea. You can count on landscaping services by Premier Lawn Care, for example, to ensure that when the cold days have gone, you will be greeted by the cheerful sight of your beautiful lawn.

Weather affects a lot of our activities, and we have to make adjustments and alter some of our routines. The same is the case with the look of our lawn; we can expect it to go with the season. Now that Fall is here, it’s important that we don’t forget taking care of the exterior of our properties. In this case, our lawn. You don’t have to force yourself to learn everything you can and do all the work. It’s a great thing that we have experts for that.

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