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The Most Dry, Most Low And The Hottest Place, Death Valley, Is Full Of Life

The Most Dry, Most Low And The Hottest Place, Death Valley, Is Full Of Life

Death Valley is a desert valley located in Eastern California, USA. Death Valley, which is about 225 kilometers long and wide between 8 and 24 km, is the most dry, most low and most hot place in North America.

Death Valley Sunrise

Death Valley Scene

Death Valley California 11-2012

There are measured air temperatures of 57 degrees Celsius and the temperature of the earth’s surface had reached 94 degrees Celsius – 6 degrees below the boiling point of water. Average rainfall amounts to less than 5 centimeters per year and some years there is no rain at all. It is logical for human being to think that there is no life. However, hundreds of animal species go through this valley or live in it. Creatures that live in the valley are badgers, bats, red lynx, coyotes, desert foxes, mountain lions, rabbits, wild donkeys, lizards, snakes and desert turtles. Shoshone, the Native American tribe over a thousand years living in the valley, use local plants for food and for making household items. Occasionally, it is shines in magnificent colors of wild flowers.

This flower grows from the countless seeds that lie inactive in the soil, sometimes for decades, just waiting for the right combination of rain and temperature to start to germinate. Of course, the flowers attract bees. So when Death Valley will flourish, you can hear the buzzing of countless insects. But, there are years when in the Death Valley you cannot find even one flower. Another interesting phenomenon in Death Valley is Racetrack Playa, the drained pool lake that looks very boring until you notice that there are stones which are moving by themselves on the muddy surface.

If you ever decide to go in Death Valley where there are extreme conditions, make sure to have a durable and proper vehicle and plenty of water with you. You will be astonished when you realize that the Death Valley is full of life.

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