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Four Ways to Get Rid of Hornets and Wasps

Bees have an obvious purpose on this earth. They pollinate flowers, make honey, and contribute to the ecosystem in various ways. In fact, it is widely believed that if bees would die out, humans would follow shortly after.

Hornets, on the other hand, seemingly have no purpose other than to bother humans. In reality, they too have their purpose in the ecosystem— namely, limiting the population of other pests. Even so, they aren’t necessarily a creature you want hanging around your yard. Here are four ways to do away with hornets and wasps.

Take Preventative Measures

The best way to get rid of wasps and hornets is to avoid dealing with them in the first place. Take preventative measures that will repel or just not attract these pests. For example, if you are having a barbeque, be sure to clean everything up right away. If you lounge around the yard with an alcoholic or sugary drink, keep a cover over the cup. If you have a compost, move it away from the area you spend the most time in.

Certain plants are also said to deter hornets and wasps, either directly or indirectly by getting rid of the bugs they feast upon. Lemongrass, basil, mint, chives, and other fragrant herbs are said to be unappealing to numerous insects.

Build a Bucket Trap

One of the simplest ways to kill hornets that decide to linger in your outdoor leisure area is to build a bucket trap. Choose a part of your yard that is away from where you spend most of your time. Using a bucket or container — anything will do — mix sugar, water, vinegar, and a touch of dish soap. The sugary water and acidic vinegar attract hornets to your trap. The dish soap reduces surface tension on the water so that when the hornet tries to land it will get wet despite its weightlessness.

Note that this solution is geared toward random, wandering hornets and might not be effective if you have a large infestation.

Hang Decoy Nests

As you may have guessed based on their aggressive nature, hornets are territorial creatures. That means they are unlikely to build a nest near the location of another nest. If you already have a hornet nest attached to your house, it is too late for this method. However, putting up a decoy nest can deter wandering hornets from coming too close to your home or setting up shop.

You can either create a decoy nest by hanging a rounded out paper bag near your roof, or by purchasing a predesigned decoy nest on Amazon.

Destroy the Nest

If you’ve tried everything else and the hornets still decide to make you their neighbor, it’s time to destroy the nest. This activity can be quite dangerous since hornets are quick to attack if threatened. One hornet might be responsible for a few ugly stings, but hundreds can do some serious damage. Consider visiting to find a local exterminator to help.

If you insist on handling the nest yourself, make sure you wear protective gear and wait until nighttime to make your move. Spray the nest with either a chemical hornet killer or a natural variant to kill the hornets while they are asleep. Once it is apparent that no more hornets are coming and going, remove the nest and spray the area to prevent rebuilding.

A Note on Allergies

If you or anyone in your family is allergic to wasp and hornet stings, do not try to handle a nest yourself. Call a professional right away and have them deal with the problem. Stings can be fatal to those who are allergic, so this is not the time to experiment or cut costs. Otherwise, see what methods work best for you.

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