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Take a Walk Through Oxford

Oxford is a city in the United Kingdom  in the county of Oxfordshire. It is located about 60 kilometers north-west of London. In Oxford, the river flows into the river Cervelli Thames. The city had a population of 160 587 inhabitants. Oxford University is the oldest university in the country who speak English. Unlike its rivals University of Cambridge, Oxford also is industrial city. Oxford called the “city of towers have fallen asleep.” This epithet given by Matthew Arnold because of its harmonious architecture of the university buildings.

The main tourist attractions of the city are connected with the University Museum Ashmolean and the Bodleian library. If you ever decide to visit Oxford then we suggest to visit some of these awesome places: Ashmolean Museum, Bodleian Library, Christ Church Cathedral, The Headington Shark, Modern Art Oxford, Museum of the History of Science, Botanic Garden, University Museum of Natural History, Pitt Rivers Museum, Sheldonian Theatre, St. Mary The Virgin Church.

The Sheldonian Theatre

Places you should visit inOxford (1)

Image by NIL L via Flickr

Magdalen College

Places you should visit inOxford (2)

Image by Prabhu B Doss via Flickr

Museum of Natural History

Places you should visit inOxford (3)

Image by Prabhu B Doss via Flickr

The town was first mentioned in the Chronicle of 912. The first testimonies of the University originating from the 12th century. Status town of Oxford acquired in 1542 the Oxford Canal in 1790 connected the city with Coventry also is industrial areas around Birmingham. In 1840 he built rail link Oxford and London. In the early 20th century in the suburbs of Oxford nickel Morris car factory. Due to the industrialization of the city gained 40,000 new residents.

Radcliffe Square

Image by Chris Chabot via Flickr

Bridge of Sighs

Image by NIL L via Flickr

Keble College

Image by Dimitry B. via Flickr

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