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Ideal Place to Live According to Zodiac Sign – part 1

Ideal Place to Live According to Zodiac Sign – part 1

Each zodiac sign corresponds to a different city or residence, depending on its characteristics. Whether you are looking for a good holiday destination or consider moving to another country, read this article. Astrology knows on what destinations you can enjoy maximum security. See what astrology says about what is the perfect place for each zodiac sign.


Members of this sign have a strong competitive spirit and lead an energetic life. Every day require a new excitement and a place that will meet their adventurous needs. They enjoy the unusual things like water skiing, hiking or cruise in a specific environment. A city with active nightlife and adventures, like Las Vegas is ideal place for this sign. He always will research something new and exciting in Sydney, but also ideal cities for Aries are Paris, London, New York and Melbourne.

Las Vegas

zodiac sign (1)

Image by Norm Lanier via Flickr


Melburne Skyline

Image by Ingo Meironke via Flickr


Guided by the money and fame, members of this sign love power, so they want to live in places that carry a certain prestige. Taurus is relaxed and wants exotic destinations which are unexplored. Try to go to a place that is known for good food and beautiful landscapes. Destinations like Los Angeles, Hawaii and Goa in India are the right choice for them. Because of good food and good fun, Taurus also admires Barcelona.

Los Angeles

Image by Daniel McCullum via Flickr


Members of this sigh want when they are busy, therefore their plan is to go to a destination that offers rich contents which will be able to occupy Gemini’s free time. They glow with energy and looking for a place that gives daily challenges. Trips, visits to museums and archaeological sites, with an hour sports activities is a scenario of dream vacation. Because they not stand boredom in any form, the Gemini will live in cities which ‘never sleep’. A perfect chose is New York, Copenhagen, Milan and Stockholm.


Image by Andy Beal via Flickr


Cancer wants comfort and wants to be surrounded by people who love them. They want to be near water. Members of this sign love art, but above all love to love. For their refined taste best choice is Paris, which is home to some of the best museums, galleries and romantic corners. Also Zurich, Geneva and Sydney are cities that fit the Cancer.


Image by Moyan Brenn via Flickr


Members of this sign can not resist the beautiful weather, sun and beaches. They are powerful, creative and theatrical signs. Their dream city is Barcelona, which besides enjoying the beaches, offers a rich culture. Lions will feel great in Prague, where their creative side need to be express. Also they could live in cities such as Monte Carlo, Paris and Nice.


Image by Don McCullough via Flickr

Monte Carlo

Image by Julien REBOULET via Flickr


Virgos are phenomenally organized and love to explore new places. The ideal place for them means a combination of yoga and new adventures. But also they are dedicated employees and more than anything like order and routine. The perfectionist members of this sign will enjoy at German discipline that provides Berlin. They want locals with certain rules, so the road might lead them in the French city of Lyon. Also they feel good in cities like Krakow, ancient Athens, the magnificent Paris and beautiful Budapest.


Image by C. via Flickr

Here is link to part2

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